Thursday, December 31, 2009

Mass Effect2..Finally!

When I first played Mass Effect and witnessed the depth of in game dialogue, the absolutely incredible detail that was put into the technology and the physics involved- I was immediately hooked. Traveling at the speed of light, taking down biotic fugitives on one world, mining for precious metals on another; all while preventing the extinction of every sentient life form in the galaxy. By the end of this game I had a ton of experience points and an insatiable thirst for more; which I quenched by playing through it again to hear more character diaologue amoung other things.

Fortunately for us, Bioware has been preparing for the release of the second installment in what is to be a trilogy on January 26. Two years have passed since commander Shepard stopped the reaper's cycle of total organic exctinction. A new unknown entity immerges from the beyond the boundaries of citadel space silently kidnapping entire human colonies, but this time Shepard is without the help of the council. Since the demise of Saren the council has been able to devote their attention towards a myriad galactic issues. Shepard must rely on Cerberus, the pro-human [rogue] orginization responsible for grotesque genetic experiments and linked to the Akuze massacare. The Alliance and Cerberus must work together to stop and eliminate the threat to human-kind. That should make for some good game play and maybe more insight into what happened to Shepard in between the time he killed Seran and his infamous return from the dead. We shall soon see. **Hasboogie

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